Friday, February 11, 2011

Donald Trump. President of the United States of America?!

Donald Trump for president?

     According to this article, Donald Trump believes that he could win the Republican presidential nomination next year and that Ron Paul has zero chance of getting elected. I think this is just absurd. Don't get me wrong he is an amazing business man with a strong will and has relations with tons of other countries, but he has filed for bankruptcy 3 times! With our nation in extreme debt, why would we want him as president? Running a country and running a business are two very different things. 
     I really like Ron Paul, I feel like everything he says is just common sense. And I really think people will start to listen to him when they realize he has called everything. I don't understand why everyone is so scared of Ron Paul. Maybe it's because we know he would actually do what he says. That he would get this country back on track.

Ron Paul could beat out Donald Trump with his eyes closed. Donald Trump should stick to television shows.

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