Friday, May 6, 2011

Bush Declines an Invitation to Ground Zero??

Former president George W. Bush declined an invitation sent by President Obama to attend an observance at New York's ground zero following Osama's death.  The observance is in remembrance to the 3,000 people that passed in the al-Quida attack on Sepetember 11, 2001, during Bush's presidency.  Obama plans on meeting with the families that lost a loved one on this awful day in American history.

Spokesperson, David Sherzer, for former president Bush says,"President Bush will not be in attendance on Thursday, he appreciated the invite but has chosen in his post-presidency to remain largely out of the spotlight. He continues to celebrate with Americans this important victory in the war on terror."

Surprisingly, president bush has stayed very low-key during these hard times with the war on al-Quida.  Although, it does seems just a bit strange that the president that declared the war in the first place has chosen to step out of such a big occasion, that would bring such closure to the victims families he grew so close with. 

Bush has issued a statement though congratulating Obama and claims that he continues to celebrate with all Americans through this important victory in the war on terror.

1 comment:

  1. I think that George Bush should of went to ground zero in celebration of Osama's death since he WAS the one to declare war because of what Osama did. And for respect for Obama.Maybe he didn't want to steal Obama's spotlight but it just seems as if Bush needed to be there, because it happened during his presidency. But then again I just see it as Obama cleaning up a mess that Bush made. Probably a good thing he didn't show up.
