My blog this week is on an article titled "State Dept. Spokesman: Treatment Of Bradley Manning Is ‘Ridiculous And Counterproductive And Stupid’' This article was written by he is "being kept in solitary confinement, being denied access to a pillow or bed sheets, and being forcibly stripped naked every single night." “There are concerns about what is happening, but a strong argument is being made that they’re trying to preserve his safety, they don’t want him harming himself, and using his own clothing to hang himself, or do something like that".
I agree with Zaid, this is a legit response, but how do we know if that is truly the reason? Why would he have to be forcibly stripped, and refused a pillow or bed sheets? There are people in prison for brutally murdering other human beings with more rights than this. It sounds like torture if you ask me. This guy risked his life for our country, maybe there is something we really aren't supposed to know. It bothers me that there are even such documents and videos existing that we the people are strictly not allowed to see. I really wouldn't hold it against our government, especially when it comes to treating a person so unfairly.